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Galvanizing Process Chart

Learn more about the galvanizing process from step 1 to 10

Galvanizing Process Chart

STEP 1. Receive Customer's Articles, QC Check

Check for quantity, size, free from paint & etc.

STEP 2. Preparation

Articles are tied to jigs

STEP 3. Degreasing

Article's are put degreased with Caustic Soda

STEP 4. Water Rinsing

Rinsing away excess Caustic Soda

STEP 5. Acid Pickling

Scale Removal or Pickling: To remove surface rust and light mill scale using Hydro Chloride Acid.

STEP 6. Water Rinsing

Rinsing to remove excess acid and iron salt.

STEP 7. Pre-Fluxes

Immersion of articles in Hot Flux Solution, Flux Tank (Zinc Ammonium Chloride) to prevent oxidation.

STEP 8. Galvanizing

Chemically clean articles are fully immersed in the galvanizing bath. The galvanizing bath is maintained at a constant temperature (440C-450C).

STEP 9. Quenching

Quenching in cold water / sodium dichromate.

STEP 10. Finishing

Inspection and touching up; removal of sharp edges.